My Favorite Brotips – Part 1


Once upon a time, I was trying think of some new blog post ideas. My awesome friend Brandi suggested that I post my favorite Brotips. She, in fact, introduced me to Brotips.

Brotips are…well…tips. These tips are not only for men (though most are obviously meant for men). In a way, Brotips can be seen as advice for daily living.

I’ll put up five at a time. Some of these tips have profanity in them, and I don’t want to offend anybody, so if you see a black square with one or more words over it, that’s my doing. You can imagine what the covered word is, if you so choose. I hope I don’t get sued for that.

I’ll comment on any tip on which I want to elaborate.


My comments:
Brotip #28: This really made me laugh. Seriously.

Any favorites? Let me know!

Pictures’ citation:

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A girl trying to make it in the future's history books.


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