Tag: Life

First Week of School: Day One


Real quick. I am a freshman at Oakwood University as an English Professional Writing major, and I’ll be giving you all daily posts regarding my first week of school. Let’s start with today! WEDNESDAY I am an extremely precise when it comes to my schedule. During orientation and today, I got up at 5:45 AM. I would get up, take a shower, brush my teeth (and retainers -___-), get dressed,…

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Taylor Michaels Scholarship Program 2011


Hello, everyone! I’m super busy this week! It’s insane. Marcus and I move into my dorm tomorrow. Anyway, here’s the Life post that I promised you. Two weeks ago, from July 27th to July 31st, I flew out to Los Angeles for a leadership conference. This wasn’t just any leadership conference. But before I tell you that story, I have to tell you this story. Early this year, I applied…

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You’ve Got Me Spinning Now…


First, I would like you to enjoy this illusion of a spinning wheel. Let me know if it works for you! (Try looking away while not looking away) Most of you know that my schedule has been a little hectic lately to say the least, but these past two weeks have been hades. I’ve never been on a crazier schedule in my life! We’re talking going to bed at 6am…

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Just to hold you over!


Oh my days. I’m sorry guys. So much stuff has been going on, so again my apologies for not being on my daily blogging grind. This week has been pretty crazy, but let me just tell you about this morning: I was at the gym working out like usual, and I got on this machine that twists so you can work your obliques. I wasn’t planning on going all out,…

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Hmmm…So what happened this week?


MONDAY Do any of you guys remember that show on Disney Channel called “Lizzie McGuire”? Well on Monday, I got word that Disney is will be shooting “Lizzie McGuire: College Life” this fall and will air it in the spring. Hilary Duff said that she is excited to go back to where her career began. So, I think that’s pretty interesting… I also received my acceptance letter from Oakwood University!…

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A little piece of CHILDHOOD


Not too long ago, I found this letter I wrote to the tooth fairy. (the back says “tooth fairy!”) Haha! Clearly, I had either really high expectations or a crazy sense of humor. I can’t remember writing this letter, but somehow it brought back so many childhood memories. I began thinking about how good it was back then. Insert “The Way We Were” by Barbra Streisand… “Can it be that…

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Camera of Lego =)


I bought this today, because I think it’s adorable! This Lego Digital Camera isn’t huge. It only has 3 megapixels and holds 80 photos at one time. Haha kind of pathetic, but it’s just so cute to me! This camera is more like a “bring to a get-together” type of camera, not a “bring to a wedding” type of camera. =) This thing doesn’t take bad pictures either! It’s pretty…

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Sorry for being so distant!


Hey hey hey! I didn’t post a thing this November, and I’m (almost) sad about it. It has been crazy busy life for me recently. but I have stuff to share with you all. FIRST UPDATE:While my family and I were in Detroit, our 2007 Yukon Denali was stolen out of a guarded and gated church parking lot. I’m not gonna go into details about the EYE WITNESSES of the…

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